Several residents who camped at Bubukwanga refugee transit camp and Semuliki high in Bundibugyo are still waiting for assistance to rebuild their homes after floods destroyed their houses.
Over 1500 residents in Bundibugyo district, were last year displaced by the floods and are still enduring cold nights in the two camps that were established.

In December last year, several residents fled their homes and others died in the floods that ravaged the sub counties of Ntotoro, Kisuba, Busaru, Kirumya, and Ngamba after River Humya and other small rivers broke their banks making the flooding severe.
Several residents who camped at Bubukwanga refugee transit camp and Semuliki high in Bundibugyo are still waiting for assistance to rebuild their homes after floods destroyed their houses. 

In Kirumya village, Ntontoro sub-county where several homes were destroyed and trails of damage are vivid on first sight. Most of the structures in the area are wattle, some were washed away while others have been deserted.

Florence Mbambu a 78-year-old who stays with seven grandchildren, is one of those whose house was washed away by the floods. 

“I have been enduring the cold nights since we were relocated to the camp at Semuliki high school and all my property were destroyed. I appeal to the government to find an alternative land and relocate us there,” Mbambu said.

Julius Bakahwelayo a resident of Kirumya said he has been sleeping on the floor with his three grand children after their father and their property were washed away by the floods in December.
